Saturday, November 24, 2012

The red pill or the blue one , your choice

              Hello again thanks for stopping by, You know I talk to people from time to time and it is crazy how many people don't realize the importance of credit . OK let me start over, there are specific systems designed to keep you poor or living a certain way and once you know how to navigate them or even use them to your advantage you can create a future in the image you desire.
             So back to credit , You know what happens to a person that has perfect credit and applies for an auto loan, he or she gets little to no interest then that person goes to get insurance and gets a lower rate than someone that has lets say a 520 credit score. There are many people like myself that did not know how far a credit score reached , here are a few , jobs can run credit, home insurance, apartments use credit to see how much more they can charge especially for security deposits etc just to name a few. Just think about it, insurance companies can charge you more based on your credit rather than your driving record and past claims , does that make sense ? No but this is a great system to make more money for companies but what if you were the company ? or what if you even just mastered your credit to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. Its funny when I had bad credit I had to go out and find the shady lenders with high interest to obtain a loan , and now that my credit is better the more reputable lenders are out seeking me to get my business for little interest. Do you begin to see a pattern or system here ?

         Bill and Jane don't know each other but are looking for $100,000 houses , Bill's credit score is 600 and Jane's is 740 . Bill gets 7.5% interest on 100k Jane gets 3% or so , both get a 20 year mortgage but Jane pays about $554 and Bill pays about $805 a month , you do the math but these are huge monetary differences. Credit is an important part of the financial plan if you want to gain wealth at a faster rate.

       Advertising , Is this another thing designed to make you blow your money ? Yeah of course but have you stopped and really thought about the crap they tell you you need to spend your money on ? hell even drugs have commercials telling you to ask your doctor to give you they're product. You need to analyze what you need and what actually makes your life better and not pay attention to the advertisers or worse your friends and some family that try and pass their opinions off to you even though they may have the best intention . Is a snuggie better than that old blanket you use ? that's for you to decide, but I will ask you a question, can you or someone you know make a better tasting and healthier hamburger than McDonald's ? probably but why are you not the billionaire because they advertise very well and the business plan they have in place is amazing when you can get a burger in Florida made by a 17 year old that will taste the same in Ontario Ca. You see McDonald's doesn't make the money because they sell food. "what"?  Think about it They own some of the most prime real estate in the world , so it almost makes no difference how the food tastes as long as its edible .. Just think next time you spend your hard earned money on eating out or buying the latest and greatest thing are you buying the hype or convenience?     Till next Time


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