Monday, December 17, 2012

I can time travel! can you?

        "It's intriguing to consider the capabilities that humans possess, yet often go unused or unrecognized. One such ability is the ability to predict the future, not in a supernatural sense, but through the power of imagination and past experiences. We can envision the outcome of our actions and make informed decisions, such as starting a campfire and imagining the consequences of jumping into it or taking our life savings to the casino and considering the return on investment. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

We have the ability to learn from our past mistakes and successes, as well as those of others. Just like a dog can learn not to touch fire after getting burned, we can apply the lessons of our past experiences to improve our future outcomes. For example, reflecting on a past financial decision that didn't work out and using that knowledge to make better choices in the future.

Furthermore, we can learn from the mistakes and successes of others, just like how a deer can see another deer get hit by a car, but not learn from it. Having a mentor or a few can be incredibly helpful as we can utilize their knowledge and experiences to our advantage. The older we get, the more we realize that we don't know everything, but that's what makes life so exciting - the opportunity to keep learning and bettering ourselves.

It's common for young people to think they have life figured out, but as we age, we come to realize that we don't know as much as we thought we did. Even the wealthiest people I know continue to learn and grow, never letting their past success define or limit them. In fact, if we surround ourselves with people who are smarter and more experienced than ourselves, we are more likely to succeed. The same goes for running a business - if you are the smartest person in your company, it's likely to fail.

So, let's embrace the power of prediction and learning from our past and others, and continue to push ourselves to new heights."

             I like this metaphor . If two ships set out to sea and the goal is to reach the Bahamas from New York and one has an able crew, map and PLAN and the other has no able crew, no map etc.. who will make it to the goal ? You need a plan . or you can predict you will not even leave the harbor

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I can make you rich , But You don't want it?

        I understand the importance of financial freedom and the impact it can have on one's life. It's not just about being able to afford the things we want, but also the ability to grow as a person and spend quality time with our loved ones. Why wait until retirement to see the world or travel with a loved one? Why settle for a job that doesn't align with our passions?

I often hear friends say "I really want to do this but can't afford it anytime soon" or "I only make $15 an hour I can't afford to follow my dreams" but I will hear the same person talk about going out to the bar or buying a new car and making payments for the next 5 years. It's a paradox that baffles me. Why do we ignore the future and not plan ahead for it? It's like neglecting to fix a flat tire, only to end up stranded on the side of the road.

It's important to remember that success is not just about money, but also about making smart choices and planning for the future. Are you willing to put up with your job for a little longer in order to achieve the lifestyle you want? Are you willing to make sacrifices like cutting back on cable or switching to a cheaper brand of soda? These small changes can add up and make a big difference in the long run.

In my own life, I've made changes like selling my gas-guzzling SUV and upgrading to a more cost-effective hybrid car. The result was a significant savings on fuel costs and a "pay raise" of approximately $3800 per year. It's true that a penny saved is a penny earned and by practicing this in all aspects of my life, I've been able to achieve financial freedom and pursue my passions.

Furthermore, some people may be addicted to being poor and living the same lifestyle even after they lose a job. They may smoke, buy beer, and drive on bald tires. It's important to understand the importance of planning ahead, it's like insurance, fix it while you have the extra money instead of buying the beer, cigarettes, Starbucks etc. This can be translated to all areas of your life, what can you do today that will secure your future or create your personal insurance buffer zone that if something arises you had planned ahead so it is not catastrophic.

In conclusion, it's important to understand that success is not just about money, but also about making smart choices and planning for the future. It's not always easy, but the rewards are well worth the effort. So, ask yourself, how bad do you want success and are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve it? Remember, a penny saved is a penny earned, and by putting this into practice everyday in all aspects of your life, you can achieve financial freedom and pursue your passions

             ."It is essential to have a plan in life, as life is short and precious. Rather than simply getting by each day, strive to make the most of the limited time we have on this earth. Take control of your life, like a rider holding the reins, and make sure each day is used to its fullest potential. Remember, we are only given a finite number of Christmases, Thanksgivings, and other special occasions in our lifetime. Don't waste a single one."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The law of Attraction, worthless?

Are you wondering if the Law of Attraction is real? I believe it is! The Law of Attraction states that if you focus on what you want, picture it in great detail, and feel the emotions associated with it, you will soon have it in reality. This works for both positive and negative things. If you dwell on the negative, you will experience negative results. However, if you focus on the positive and are grateful for what you have, you will manifest what you want.

It's important to note that this doesn't mean you can change other people. But when you focus on yourself and your mind, it will be much clearer what you want and how to get it. The more you train your mind to think this way, the stronger and easier it gets.

Dreams can be as great as you want them to be. Just look at Henry Ford. Even when the automobile market was a monopoly and people in charge said they wouldn't approve his idea, he still had a dream and worked every day to bring it into reality. A young housewife with a cheap car, who loved to bake, had dreams of making a living at it but everyone told her the market was saturated. Her family and husband didn't believe in her, but she never gave up and only focused on the positive. Today, her name is Mrs. Fields.

I've met people who have had thoughts like, "I can do that better," but never acted on them. Why? Are you just lazy? What are you waiting for? Nothing is in the way of having whatever you want or doing the things you desire, except for your inner demons telling you that you can't or you're not worth it because of things in the past. Get over it! We've all had problems in the past, but what will it take to get you to realize that you are worth it and you can have what you want if you believe and do the things required to achieve it?

As a money-making tip, I once ran an ad in the newspaper offering to paint fences or barns/garages. I hate painting, but an elderly lady called me to paint her 60-foot wood fence. She offered to pay me $100, and I agreed. I rented a paint sprayer for 3 hours for $25, and between her fence and her friend's garage, I worked for 2.5 hours and made a profit of $225 after rental fees. Easy money!

Till next time, remember to focus on the positive, believe in yourself, and take action towards your dreams. You never know, you may just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

The red pill or the blue one , your choice

              Hello again thanks for stopping by, You know I talk to people from time to time and it is crazy how many people don't realize the importance of credit . OK let me start over, there are specific systems designed to keep you poor or living a certain way and once you know how to navigate them or even use them to your advantage you can create a future in the image you desire.
             So back to credit , You know what happens to a person that has perfect credit and applies for an auto loan, he or she gets little to no interest then that person goes to get insurance and gets a lower rate than someone that has lets say a 520 credit score. There are many people like myself that did not know how far a credit score reached , here are a few , jobs can run credit, home insurance, apartments use credit to see how much more they can charge especially for security deposits etc just to name a few. Just think about it, insurance companies can charge you more based on your credit rather than your driving record and past claims , does that make sense ? No but this is a great system to make more money for companies but what if you were the company ? or what if you even just mastered your credit to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. Its funny when I had bad credit I had to go out and find the shady lenders with high interest to obtain a loan , and now that my credit is better the more reputable lenders are out seeking me to get my business for little interest. Do you begin to see a pattern or system here ?

         Bill and Jane don't know each other but are looking for $100,000 houses , Bill's credit score is 600 and Jane's is 740 . Bill gets 7.5% interest on 100k Jane gets 3% or so , both get a 20 year mortgage but Jane pays about $554 and Bill pays about $805 a month , you do the math but these are huge monetary differences. Credit is an important part of the financial plan if you want to gain wealth at a faster rate.

       Advertising , Is this another thing designed to make you blow your money ? Yeah of course but have you stopped and really thought about the crap they tell you you need to spend your money on ? hell even drugs have commercials telling you to ask your doctor to give you they're product. You need to analyze what you need and what actually makes your life better and not pay attention to the advertisers or worse your friends and some family that try and pass their opinions off to you even though they may have the best intention . Is a snuggie better than that old blanket you use ? that's for you to decide, but I will ask you a question, can you or someone you know make a better tasting and healthier hamburger than McDonald's ? probably but why are you not the billionaire because they advertise very well and the business plan they have in place is amazing when you can get a burger in Florida made by a 17 year old that will taste the same in Ontario Ca. You see McDonald's doesn't make the money because they sell food. "what"?  Think about it They own some of the most prime real estate in the world , so it almost makes no difference how the food tastes as long as its edible .. Just think next time you spend your hard earned money on eating out or buying the latest and greatest thing are you buying the hype or convenience?     Till next Time


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Get Rich formula continued

                 Do you know what the "wheel" is? How about a plane? If I drew a picture of a wheel you could immediately identify what it was, but have you given much thought as to how it was created? Well thought is where it all started, you may be asking right now wtf does this have to do with wealth? I can tell you most rich people know what I am talking about. You see every good invention, idea or creation came from original thought, so the only way you can "create"wealth or improve yourself just like inventing something or improving an invention is to start with your thought . The very first step is to picture exactly what you want , lets say its a dollar amount or a certain lifestyle , you need to make a very specific mental picture of what you want , then write it down preferably in a place you see everyday then you need to create a specific plan to obtain your goal , for me it works best when I break down my goal into sections and reach milestones then move to the next section , but you need to come up with a plan that best works for you as you know your behavior better than anyone else.
        Think of money as a tree, most of the population are afraid of money because they don't understand it so they plant a tree then stand there with an axe rather than a water hose, the axe represents the poor choices we make to ensure our money does not grow , this is why the poor says things like money doesn't grow on trees and the rich say "how can I make my money grow" the poor tend to think exactly opposite of the wealthy , I know this because I was very poor growing up and have studied the differences between my childhood up until my twenties and the way I think today . Our negative thoughts will pull us toward the negative side where we see only the bad in situations, like I remember once I filed my taxes in my twenties and I was set to get approx $700 back and I was happy "cool some extra" money , but a few days before I received my check my cars transmission went out, I remember thinking to myself "great just when I was going to get ahead" this was a very significant thought as I look back it was a negative thought and at that time I did not even realise it. Now I would say cool my car broke and I can pay for it with money I did not rely on or expect , this immediately breaks the cycle of negative thinking and I can focus on the positive and keep moving forward.. OK back to the whole tree thing , how often do people set out to reach they're goals then the first obstacle comes and they give up and say this is too hard, that thought process is the axe. Instead say this obstacle is a stepping stone or an opportunity for me to learn and the next time I Will be better , that's the water hose that will grow you and make the hill you need to climb that much smaller next time.

           I seem to remember saying something about buying a house with no cash , Is it possible ? Well people do it everyday , you don't need your money or credit to buy a house , hundreds of people today have tied up a house for less than its worth only to sell it tomorrow for a great profit with out spending a dime and never doing a credit check , you just need the knowledge its called wholesaling there are hours of video on youtube taking you step by step through the process and it is not hard either to make $50,000+ a year while only working 3or so hours a week . Not the way you want to go ? rather live in the house ? have you put up and ad on craigslist or eBay classifieds? Just because you don't know how to do something does not mean it doesn't exist , people everyday place an ad looking for someone to invest in them and its not very hard to find someone that will give you money to buy a house . Investors myself included are today more than ever looking for creative ways to get better returns on investment's , we all know how the stock market is and the savings accounts at banks are not paying dividends of anything substantial. Many investors in your area are giving home loans at reasonable interest rates , you just need to be creative to find them , most of the time it is a short term loan one to three years until you can traditionally finance through a bank or mortgage company. Or what if you bought a house with an investor and fixed it up while living in it and sold it for a nice profit 10k, 20k, 30k do this 2-3 times a year while you work your day job and you are pulling $100,000 a year without hardly trying , get creative and the money will start to flow toward you rather than you trying so hard to find it, learn how to become a financially attractive person , that's a whole new lesson . Till next time.....


Thursday, November 8, 2012

The get rich formula

          Is there a get rich formula ? Sure is , and you will learn it for free.
It is quite simple..."don't save" yes I said it,  don't save your money as a younger person, rather spend it on assets . Think of assets as something that can return your investment and go beyond that to give you a profit worth the investment and your time.
         The problem is people have a hard time telling what an asset is, or they try and think too big sometimes, very often in my early years I would be happy with a profit of $100+ and sometimes I would spend five to six hours to earn that hundred bucks, but it was only time I was giving and while I was working on lets say cleaning up and tuning a car for reselling, my friends were wasting time on video games or going out clubbing . So not only were they wasting the time they could invest they were also wasting money. The little nickle and dime stuff is what ad's up when losing or gaining money for the beginners.
        You see while I was only making maybe a hundred or two a deal to start, I often had 3 things going a week making me an extra six hundred dollars aprox per week on top of my regular job at about $500 a week , I would flip things like I said , go karts, golf karts, cars, dune buggies etc.. haggle with people to get the lowest possible price don't be afraid to ask "is that your bottom dollar on this" or " is that the best you can do on that".
        The early days were a bit of a hustle for me as I came from no financial background and had no advantages so there was a lot of refining needed for me to make it big, I had no college education as I have seen little good come out of it but that's my opinion.
         One thing that my mentor told me that has helped out tremendously was to treat your home finances like a business ,this was all part of this get rich formula , any money going out needs to be meticulously tracked just like your life has investors looking over your shoulder. you need to track profit and loss, ask yourself do I need this beer? do I need these cigarettes? is that a good investment? Am I using my time well? You have to forget what people think of you, the only person you need to impress is yourself, I see young people with crappy cars and 20" flashy rims that serve no purpose at all, and I think "jeez I could have made $3000 with the $2000 he spent on those" I drive and old 2007 Prius could I afford a new Suburban? sure but why, I don't need it for running around town and I only spent $70 a month in gas, this is what works for me, do what works for you.
         Another money tip, I made almost $700 one summer just house sitting and feeding animals for a number of families, and it was not very hard to find people that did not want to burden their family or friends, but this is all beginner stuff, next time I will go into more advanced things like how I bought a rental property 4 months after bankruptcy.
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