Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Get Rich formula continued

                 Do you know what the "wheel" is? How about a plane? If I drew a picture of a wheel you could immediately identify what it was, but have you given much thought as to how it was created? Well thought is where it all started, you may be asking right now wtf does this have to do with wealth? I can tell you most rich people know what I am talking about. You see every good invention, idea or creation came from original thought, so the only way you can "create"wealth or improve yourself just like inventing something or improving an invention is to start with your thought . The very first step is to picture exactly what you want , lets say its a dollar amount or a certain lifestyle , you need to make a very specific mental picture of what you want , then write it down preferably in a place you see everyday then you need to create a specific plan to obtain your goal , for me it works best when I break down my goal into sections and reach milestones then move to the next section , but you need to come up with a plan that best works for you as you know your behavior better than anyone else.
        Think of money as a tree, most of the population are afraid of money because they don't understand it so they plant a tree then stand there with an axe rather than a water hose, the axe represents the poor choices we make to ensure our money does not grow , this is why the poor says things like money doesn't grow on trees and the rich say "how can I make my money grow" the poor tend to think exactly opposite of the wealthy , I know this because I was very poor growing up and have studied the differences between my childhood up until my twenties and the way I think today . Our negative thoughts will pull us toward the negative side where we see only the bad in situations, like I remember once I filed my taxes in my twenties and I was set to get approx $700 back and I was happy "cool some extra" money , but a few days before I received my check my cars transmission went out, I remember thinking to myself "great just when I was going to get ahead" this was a very significant thought as I look back it was a negative thought and at that time I did not even realise it. Now I would say cool my car broke and I can pay for it with money I did not rely on or expect , this immediately breaks the cycle of negative thinking and I can focus on the positive and keep moving forward.. OK back to the whole tree thing , how often do people set out to reach they're goals then the first obstacle comes and they give up and say this is too hard, that thought process is the axe. Instead say this obstacle is a stepping stone or an opportunity for me to learn and the next time I Will be better , that's the water hose that will grow you and make the hill you need to climb that much smaller next time.

           I seem to remember saying something about buying a house with no cash , Is it possible ? Well people do it everyday , you don't need your money or credit to buy a house , hundreds of people today have tied up a house for less than its worth only to sell it tomorrow for a great profit with out spending a dime and never doing a credit check , you just need the knowledge its called wholesaling there are hours of video on youtube taking you step by step through the process and it is not hard either to make $50,000+ a year while only working 3or so hours a week . Not the way you want to go ? rather live in the house ? have you put up and ad on craigslist or eBay classifieds? Just because you don't know how to do something does not mean it doesn't exist , people everyday place an ad looking for someone to invest in them and its not very hard to find someone that will give you money to buy a house . Investors myself included are today more than ever looking for creative ways to get better returns on investment's , we all know how the stock market is and the savings accounts at banks are not paying dividends of anything substantial. Many investors in your area are giving home loans at reasonable interest rates , you just need to be creative to find them , most of the time it is a short term loan one to three years until you can traditionally finance through a bank or mortgage company. Or what if you bought a house with an investor and fixed it up while living in it and sold it for a nice profit 10k, 20k, 30k do this 2-3 times a year while you work your day job and you are pulling $100,000 a year without hardly trying , get creative and the money will start to flow toward you rather than you trying so hard to find it, learn how to become a financially attractive person , that's a whole new lesson . Till next time.....


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