Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The law of Attraction, worthless?

Are you wondering if the Law of Attraction is real? I believe it is! The Law of Attraction states that if you focus on what you want, picture it in great detail, and feel the emotions associated with it, you will soon have it in reality. This works for both positive and negative things. If you dwell on the negative, you will experience negative results. However, if you focus on the positive and are grateful for what you have, you will manifest what you want.

It's important to note that this doesn't mean you can change other people. But when you focus on yourself and your mind, it will be much clearer what you want and how to get it. The more you train your mind to think this way, the stronger and easier it gets.

Dreams can be as great as you want them to be. Just look at Henry Ford. Even when the automobile market was a monopoly and people in charge said they wouldn't approve his idea, he still had a dream and worked every day to bring it into reality. A young housewife with a cheap car, who loved to bake, had dreams of making a living at it but everyone told her the market was saturated. Her family and husband didn't believe in her, but she never gave up and only focused on the positive. Today, her name is Mrs. Fields.

I've met people who have had thoughts like, "I can do that better," but never acted on them. Why? Are you just lazy? What are you waiting for? Nothing is in the way of having whatever you want or doing the things you desire, except for your inner demons telling you that you can't or you're not worth it because of things in the past. Get over it! We've all had problems in the past, but what will it take to get you to realize that you are worth it and you can have what you want if you believe and do the things required to achieve it?

As a money-making tip, I once ran an ad in the newspaper offering to paint fences or barns/garages. I hate painting, but an elderly lady called me to paint her 60-foot wood fence. She offered to pay me $100, and I agreed. I rented a paint sprayer for 3 hours for $25, and between her fence and her friend's garage, I worked for 2.5 hours and made a profit of $225 after rental fees. Easy money!

Till next time, remember to focus on the positive, believe in yourself, and take action towards your dreams. You never know, you may just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.


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